Friday, May 31, 2019

The Causes of Deforestation in the Amazon Rain Forest Essay -- Exposit

The Causes of De timberation in the Amazon Rain wood The Amazon Rain Forest crosses several national boundaries in South America, although the majority of it is located in Brazil. It covers over 3,562,000 acres, making it the largest in the world. But globally, over 138,600 acres of rain forest are lost each year to deforestation, 50,000 of those in Brazil alone (Holdsforth), and the worlds rain forests are quickly disappearing. disforestation in the Amazon kick the buckets primarily for trinity reasons clear-cutting, fragmentation, and edge effects. The term deforestation refers to the clear-cutting of large sections of primary or original-growth forest, which causes the loss of native species of plant and animal life. This clearing of land is mainly due to uncouth needs, such as farming and cattle ranching, but also occurs to support logging and mining companies. The effect of the loss of forest is most obvious in the loss of native species. Eugene Ng, of the H ong Kong practiced Institute, explains that the destruction of habitat forces species out of areas, or causes them to die. Other factors, according to Ng, further restrict their range, exposing them to disease and predators. Deforestation does not occur neatly. Fragmentation also weakens the rain forest. As large sections of rain forest are cut down by farmers, ranchers, and loggers, those plant and animal species are leave to die. If all deforestation occurred along the outside boundaries of the forest, then some of the species could move deeper into the Amazon to survive. But as Mason Skold and Bill Myer explain, fragmentation produces areas of less than carbon square kilometers which are surrounded by d... Forest and to protect the species who live there must take into account how deforestation occurs. Sources Cited Center for Planetary Studies. Deforestation Isnt the Real Problem in the Amazon. June 1996. http//www.ctr_planets/Amazon.html (7 June 200 3). Holdsforth, J. R. Deforestation Estimates for Eight National Biozone Regions and Implications. 1990. http//www.biozone_project.html (7 June 2003). Johns, Lucia and Freida Simms. Deforestation Global Problems, Programs, and Agreements. Environmental Policy Division, Congressional Research Service. March 1997. http// (14 June 2003). Ng, Eugene. Deforestation Affects Diversity. Hong Kong Technical Institute. 1991. http// (12 June 2003)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Free Native Son Essays: Actions Define Character :: Native Son Essays

Actions Define Character in Native Son   Richard Wrights novel, Native Son, consisted of various main and supporting characters to part with an effective array of personalities and expression.  Each characters actions defines their individual personalities and belief systems.  The main character of Native Son, bigger Thomas has a variety of personality traits motivated by his fear, quick temper, and tremendous intellect.   Bigger, whom the novel revolves around, portrays various personality elements through his actions.   Many of his actions suggest an overriding response to fear, which stems from his exposure to a harsh social mode in which a clear line between acceptable behavior for whites and blacks exists. His swift anger and his destructive impulses stem from that fear and becomes apparent in the scuttle scene when he fiercely attacks a huge rat. The same murderous impulse appears when his secret dread of the delicatessen robbery impels him to co mmit a barbaric assault on his friend Gus.  Bigger commits both of the brutal murders not in rage or anger, but as a reaction to fear.  His regular(prenominal) fear stems from  being caught in the act of doing something socially unacceptable and being the subject of punishment.  Although he later admits to Max that Mary Daltons behavior toward him made him nauseate her, it is not that hate which causes him to smother her to death, but a feeble attempt  to evade the detection of her mother.  The fear of being caught with a white woman overwhelmed his common land sense and dictated his actions.  When he attempted to murder Bessie, his motivation came from intense fear of the consequences of letting her live. Bigger realized that he could not take Bessie with him or leave her behind and concluded that killing her could provide her only merciful end.   The emotional forces that drive Bigger are conveyed by means other than his words. in addition reac tions to fear, his actions demonstrate an extremely quick temper and destructive impulse as an integral part of his nature.  Rage plays a key part in his grassroots nature, but does not directly motivate the murders he commits.  Rage does not affect Biggers intelligence and quick thinking and it becomes evident during the interview with Briton.  The detective makes Bigger so angry that the interrogation  becomes a game to Bigger, a game of logic and wills, of playing the stupid negro, and telling the man exactly what he wants to hear.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Comparing Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer Essay -- comparison compare

Mark Twains The Adventures of huckabackleberry Finn follows a young boy named huck through his adventures passel the Mississippi River. Through the adventures and obstacles he faces and overcomes with Jim, a loyal run-away slave, Huck forms and becomes more mature. He is no longer the careless, prank playing boy that ran around and had playing period at other peoples expense. Near the end of his life-changing journey down the Mississippi, Huck is reunited with his idol and close friend Tom Sawyer and these once very standardised boys now have many obvious differences. Huck differs from Tom in his way of thinking, in his treatment and attitude towards Jim, and in his tendency to question his surroundings. Huck captivates and interprets the world realistically and in practical terms whereas Tom, a true romantic, believes the world operates like the stories in his books. A great example of their contrasting ways of thinking is in their differing approaches to rescue J im from his imprisonment. Huck plans to simply steal the key, get Jim out, run to the canoe, and escape down the river on the raft. Hucks plan to get Jim out of immurement is straightforward, simple, and effective. Tom, however, complains that its too blame simple, and that at that place aint nothing to it(224). Toms plan is complicated and full of unnecessary additions because of his stubborn adherence to the romantic scenarios that he reads in his novels. Tom believes there is honor in getting Jim out through a lot of ambitiousies and dangers,(230) and he goes out of his way to invent obstacles to make the situation more difficult and more like the stories he grew up on. He unnecessarily invents hard rock to dig through, a tall tower to climb down from, an infested ... ...t the change that Huck undergoes. Without Tom, an unchanged character that Huck once modeled himself after, the reader cannot correctly judge how much Huck changed from his experiences down the ri ver and how genuinely good Huck has become. After spending so much time with Jim and discovering Jims real character and personality, Huck acquire new understanding, compassion, and respect for him. He can now see past the color of his skin and treat Jim as a human being. Although he will never consider Jim as an equal, he has already interpreted momentous steps towards realizing that the slave institution is unjust. Huck has gone beyond anybody in his society and has become free of the limitations that the southern society has placed on thought. He has become nearly the opposite of Tom, who is the perfect embodiment of the southern lifestyle and way of thinking.

The Causes Of World War I :: essays research papers

The first world war had many causes, the historiansprobably have not yet discovered and discussed every(prenominal) of themso there might be more causes than what we know now. Inthis essay I would discuss the main causes of the wartheones that were discussed in the textbook. In the cadence beforethe wars outbreak (before 1914in the beginning of thecentury) the world was separated into big empires that hadcolonies around the world (European countries ruled most ofAfrica). There were fights and disagreements amidst themajor empires. Usually, when there are many arguments amid countries, people bestir oneself fear of war and prepare forit (for example, today in Israel, after Benjamin Netanyahu winsome the elections, Israels policy towards the Arabs andthe Palestinians have changed. There is fear from war withSyria, because of threats from both sides, so both countriesarm themselves and ready for war, just in case it wouldbreak). In the beginning of the century Britain was the large stempire in the world, it also had the largest dark blue. The navywas so big and strong because the Britons needed to protecttheir empire and maintain the sea routes surrounded by thedifferent colonies. The Kaiser William II of Germany hatedand envied Britain for having a stronger navy than his. Heincreased the German navy and built many warships. Britainresponded with building more ships and increasing its navytoo. This started a race for building more and betterwarships and it created tension and competition betweenthose two countries. Germany and France were rivals forcenturies and at the beginning of the century and at the endof the nineteenth century the rivalry increased. This happenedbecause of the war between those two countries in 1870-71when Germany defeated France. Germany took over theareas of Alsace and Lorraine and the French people cuteto revenge Germany and retrieve those lands. France couldnot start a war against Germany since Germany had moreresources and a stro nger army than France. France neededallies to help it fight (the subject of alliances would bediscussed later). There was another quarrel between Franceand Germanyabout controlling Morocco. In 1905 Francethought that it should have more influence in the westernMediterranean Sea area as it already controlled Tunisia andAlgeria, it wanted Morocco too. The Kaiser of Germanyvisited Tangier (a big city in Morocco) and said thatGermany would protect Morocco in case of a Frenchattack. In 1911 France increased its control over Moroccoand Germany direct a warship. The Germans withdrew at lastbut the French gave them a part of Western Africa inexchange.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The World Is Not Enough Essay -- essays research papers

"The World Is non Enough" is a great action-adventure movie with exciting stunt scenes, exotic locations, beautiful women and tralatitious baffle one-liners. Pierce Brosnan carries on the manipulation of the worlds most famous secret agent, James alinement in which was established by Sean Connery in 1962s "Doctor No". Since it is also the 19th inst completelyment to the longest running film series in history, equivalence this one to the older movies is like comparing one athlete to another. But hey, I guess thats the fun of it all.To get more in depth of the film, lets see if the traditional Bond trademarks live up to their roles.1. BondJames Bond. Pierce Brosnan, in his third appearance as agent 007, has become comfortable in his role and plays it with confidence. Hes now more understanding and has added a more sensitive side, but also a harder side to the role that Sean Connery had as Bond and what Timothy Dalton attempted to achieve. For example, in the scen e between Bond and "M", "M" tells Bond the story behind the kidnapping of Kings daughter, Elektra and the reasons for wherefore MI6 was involved. The example of the harder side is near the end when Bond confronts Elektra for the last time and orders her to call off Renard from carrying out his plans. She doesnt do so therefore, Bond shoots her in the chest and killing her. Some may argue that this is something that James Bond shouldnt do since Elektra was unarmed, but I beg to differ because that is part of the mission. In 1971s "Diamonds Are Forever" Connerys Bond slapped Tiffany Case (played by Jill St. John) across the face to get her to tell him information.2. Who would ever thought that "Q", the inventor of all of James Bonds gadgets is retiring. Desmond Llewelyn has played the character in all the Bond films for the exception of "Doctor No" in 1962 and "Live and Let eliminate" in 1973. After demonstrating his lasted invention t o 007, Llewelyn drops out of sight by a sinking platform. I guess that was his way of saying goodbye.3. Well, who could replace "Q"? John Cleese makes his origination to the series as "R", the replacement for "Q". Although "R" is very precise, he doesnt use the correct terms for his inventions like "Q" did.4. Judi Dench is also back as Bonds boss and head of the Bri...". I enjoyed watching the stunts that were in the film. The sauceboat scene during the opening sequence was fantastic and reminding James Bond fans of the boat scenes of in "From Russia with Love", "Live and Let Die" and "Moonraker". The ski chase reminded me of "On Her Majestys Secret usefulness" when James Bond and Traci flying dragon were skiing for their lives down the Swiss Mountains. I liked the way the writers added the title of the movie into the script. When Elektra tells Bond that she could have given him the world, Bond res ponds, "The world is not comme il faut" then he says that its a "family motto". Bond was referring to his family coat of arms that was translated to him in the 1969 movie "On Her Majestys Secret Service". And finally the music scores. David Arnold, who was the composer for "Tomorrow Never Dies" comes back again with an excellent sounds and adding a techno or a retro theme to James Bond. "The World Is Not Enough" is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action violence, some sexuality, sexual innuendo and old school elements for true James Bond fans. Running time 128 minutes.

The World Is Not Enough Essay -- essays research papers

"The World Is Not lavish" is a great action-adventure movie with exciting stunt scenes, exotic locations, beautiful women and traditional adhesion adept-liners. hurl Brosnan carries on the role of the worlds most famous secret agent, jam bond paper in which was established by Sean Connery in 1962s " remediate No". Since it is also the 19th installment to the longest running film series in history, comparing this one to the older movies is like comparing one athlete to another. But hey, I guess thats the fun of it all.To get more in depth of the film, lets see if the traditional Bond trademarks live up to their roles.1. BondJames Bond. Pierce Brosnan, in his third appearance as agent 007, has become comfortable in his role and plays it with confidence. Hes now more understanding and has added a more sensitive side, but also a harder side to the role that Sean Connery had as Bond and what timothy Dalton attempted to achieve. For ensample, in the scene between B ond and "M", "M" tells Bond the story behind the kidnapping of Kings daughter, Elektra and the reasons for why MI6 was involved. The example of the harder side is near the end when Bond confronts Elektra for the last time and orders her to call off Renard from carrying out his plans. She doesnt do so therefore, Bond shoots her in the titty and killing her. Some may argue that this is something that James Bond shouldnt do since Elektra was unarmed, but I beg to differ because that is part of the mission. In 1971s "Diamonds Are Forever" Connerys Bond slapped Tiffany Case (played by Jill St. John) across the face to get her to tell him information.2. Who would ever thought that "Q", the inventor of all of James Bonds gadgets is retiring. Desmond Llewelyn has played the character in all the Bond films for the exception of "Doctor No" in 1962 and "Live and Let Die" in 1973. After demonstrating his lasted invention to 007, Llewelyn drops ou t of sight by a sinking platform. I guess that was his way of saying goodbye.3. Well, who could replace "Q"? John Cleese makes his debut to the series as "R", the replacement for "Q". Although "R" is very precise, he doesnt use the correct terms for his inventions like "Q" did.4. Judi Dench is also back as Bonds boss and head of the Bri...". I enjoyed watching the stunts that were in the film. The boat scene during the opening sequence was fantastic and reminding James Bond fans of the boat scenes of in "From Russia with Love", "Live and Let Die" and "Moonraker". The ski chase reminded me of "On Her Majestys Secret Service" when James Bond and Traci Draco were go for their lives down the Swiss Mountains. I liked the way the writers added the title of the movie into the script. When Elektra tells Bond that she could have given him the world, Bond responds, "The world is not enough" so he says that its a "family motto". Bond was referring to his family coat of arms that was translated to him in the 1969 movie "On Her Majestys Secret Service". And at long last the music scores. David Arnold, who was the composer for "Tomorrow Never Dies" comes back again with an excellent sounds and adding a techno or a retro theme to James Bond. "The World Is Not Enough" is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action violence, some sexuality, sexual innuendo and old school elements for true James Bond fans. Running time 128 minutes.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Accountability Issue of Petronas

Accountability issue of PETRONAS-Transparency 1. According to the article written by Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, a politician from Sabah who was a wrong-doing President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat when he wrote this article. He said that Petronas agreements have been classified as secret. The clauses in the agreement are shielded from public scrutiny, this leads to transparency issue pilfer and making it an organization without public accountability. For example, 80% of the oil color produced by Petronas is not sold directly to the world market but is channeled through six option holders who obtain the supply from Petronas at below market prices.Only 20% of the oil produced by Petronas is sold through direct open bidding. Because of this arrangement, Petronas is not maximizing its revenue enhancement by dealing direct with the open world market. Instead, it has been incurring incalculable losses for the nation and for the people. How much this huge loss is, we will never know. It is tacit that this supply through the option holders is sold by contracts with a binding agreement for 20 or 30 years, causing huge losses for Petronas when oil price increases, as Petronas would then have to continue selling at the old agreed price.Because of the agreement (contract) is not disclose to the public, thus, the public do not know who these option holders are and why they are in the first place. Besides, the public also wondering that are these people representing certain private interests? Because of the non coherent of Petronas agreements, many questions have been raised and the public think Petronas is a huge organization which is not accountable and secretive. 2. The one-year report of Petronas is not in detail. For example, we brook make a comparison between the 2011 annual report of Shell and 2011 annual report of Petronas.As we can see from the picture below, the related party disclosure of Shell is more detail than Petronas. Shell discloses the company name th at where the sale to and where the purchase from, however, Petronas just disclose the sale and purchases in general. This also means that Petronas annual report lack of transparency. In addition, Shell annual report also provides a detailed information of company properties, whereas, Petronas did not provide this information in annual report.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Kinship and the Inuit People

It takes a certain type of person to be able to survive the harsh freezing climate of the Arctic. The Inuit, descendants of the Thule ca-ca been surviving along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, Hudson Bay, Davis Strait, and Labrador Sea for over 1,000 years. The kinship relationships among the Inuit people are very important to their way of life and survival. all(prenominal) family unit consists of the nuclear family. This is the most common type of unit in a foraging society, much(prenominal) as the Inuit. The nuclear family is the mother and/or develop and their children.Occasionally, the Inuit nuclear family will include a spo employs widowed mother or father or a single adult sibling. The village will mark off several other households sharing kin members. This is important because they participate in generalized reciprocity. Generalized reciprocity is a form of exchange where there is no expectation for the immediate return of an item or service in exchange for something else . The different households visit each other, share food, and work together to sub everyday tasks.During the seal hunting season, about 15 different households come to work together. This is very important because seals are used for more than just their meat. They use the sealskins for various things such as boot liners, waterproofing clothes, houses, and kayaks, and the blubber for household lighting. However, whenever food was abundant, sharing among non-relatives was avoided, since every family was supposedly capable of obtaining the necessary catch. In situations of scarcity, however, caribou meat was more evenly distributed throughout camp (Laird & Nowak, 2010, p 3. ). This generalized reciprocity helps to ensure the survival of the people in times of need. However, because it is non do all the time, there is little conflict. During times of scarcity, the Inuit people have practiced infanticide. One of the reasons they do this is so the older children or adults do not starve. However, it has been find that they prefer female over male infanticide. This is most likely because the boys will grow up to be the hunters. A few wo custody do hunt, but it is considered the mens responsibility.Women do contribute to the food by gathering grasses, berries, tubers, stems, and seaweed. However, because there is very little vegetation in the Arctic, women are not the main contributors of food. They forge and prepare the meats the men bring home. Women are expected to take care of the children and the house. This is one of the closest similarities between our culture and theirs. In our society, women are still considered the elemental caretaker of children and elder family members.Women are expected to come home from work or berry gathering and prepare dinner. Women run the household chores such as killing and laundry. Inuit women clean and sew for the children and men, except when the men go away to hunt and have to do it themselves. In our culture, men sometime s help with household chores, such as cooking, although they have the option of ordering in. Our culture also practices generalized reciprocity. Families gather together to share meals and everyday chores. We go to visit other households to savour holidays and birthdays.Family members exchange gifts, foods, and just enjoy being together. Some families gather to help one another out like when we moved. My father-in-law helped by lending us his truck. there was nothing expected in return. The one thing we do not share with the Inuit culture is infanticide. Although I understand why they do it, I would not be able to. In our culture, the parents would end up in prison. We also do not place as much importance on the finish of the child. The only benefit of a boy would be the passing on of the family name.However, today women can decide to keep the family name and add on their husbands, kind of of giving up theirs for his. Although our cultures have many similarities, they are also v ery different. Kinship relationships are important in every society, including ours and the Inuit. However, our survival is not pendent on these relationships, whereas the Inuit are. Without the kinship of the Inuit, they would not be able to survive the harsh winters of their environment. It does take a very special type of people to survive the Arctic. The Inuit have proved to be one of them.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

History of English Literature Essay

1.What role does the mead-hall play in Anglo-Saxon state of warrior culture? What is the proper relationship between a lord and his warriors? What examples can you image throughout Beowulf? 2.What is the role of women in the heroic culture of Beowulf? 3.Compare/contrast what constitutes a hero or the notion of heroism in the Old English and set English periods. Draw your examples from two texts either Beowulf OR The Dream of the Rood 4.Drawing your examples from Beowulf and one Middle English work, compare/contrast the roles assigned to women in writings of the Old and Middle English periods.5.Analyze the different ways in which English metempsychosis poets contributed to or responded to the Petrarchan tradition of love poetry. 6.In what ways does the idea of the court and the behavior of the courtier affect Renaissance English literature? Identify poems or industrial plant in which court life is represented or commented upon and explain how those texts reflect Renaissance at titudes toward court life. 7.The concept of meditation in Wordsworths Tintern Abbey 8.The credibility of Pips character in Dickenss Great Expectations9.Discuss the Social criticism in Dickenss Great Expectations 10.Discus the concept of being a gentleman in Dickenss Great Expectations 11.Ddiscuss the Reality and symbolism in Hopkinss poetry 12.Discuss the concept of purity in Hardys Tess of the dUrbervilles 13.Discuss Christianity and paganism pl in Hardys Tess of the dUrbervilles 14.Discuss the symbolism of darkness and light in Conrads Heart of Darkness15.Discuss the elements of postmodernism in British Contemporary Poems (take example from british contemporary writer) 16.Discuss the element of Romanticism in William Wordsworths Poems 17.Discuss The influence of Japanese Poetry in Modern Poetry by Ezra Pound 18.Discuss the portrayal of ideal women in Victorian Novel written by Women writers. 19.How did French Poetry influence the development of modern English Poetry? 20.Discuss various aspect of modernism in James Joyce Ulllyses21.Compare different attitude to war presented by the Poets William Butler Yeats, Sigfried Sassoon, and Wilfrid Owen in their poems. 22.How did Freuds theory on human psyce influence the work of moden writer? Provide examples 23.How did Asian Poetry influence the works of early modernist poets Eezra Pound and Richard Aldington?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Foundation and history of nursing and how it affects practice Essay

In order to fully understand our heritage, nurses must learn our professional genealogy from how the profession evolved from traditional ministering of the sick to the professionals we are today. Our fib gives us a perspective in the traditions we have as nurses and a legacy to pass on to new nurses as they enter the profession.We learn what has influenced, motivated, and modify nurses in the past so that we can use that knowledge to influence our perspective in making changes that will benefit those who enter the profession in the future.Over the years I have observed a change in how we, as nurse and the medical profession, address pain. When I started nursing, you medicated the pain. To put it exactly pain was pain you medicated to relieve the pain. There was non a qualifier by the patient as to their perception of the intensity. Follow up was subjective as you asked the patient if they felt better we didnt ask them to quantify the relief they perceived from the medication g iven. As nurses, we now have data that validates our actions in our conception of care for our patients through evidence based practice. We are not doing something because that is the way it has always been done. We have logic and rationality supporting our care.As a profession we have licensure within our states that includes validation of continuing education. Outside of our licensure we have specialty certificates that attests to the hard work and knowledge those nurses have to achieve their specific certificates of expertise. hotshot things that can be observed in learning the history of nursing is that nurses, throughout history, as well as today, demonstrate a drive to not only better themselves, but to better the community around them.Nursing is far more than switching out a bedpan and passing pills. It has time recognise traditions as well as modern scientific sustenance behind the care of patients. I am proud to be a professional nurse.